We are half way done with the 2017 CrossFit Open. We have experienced many PRs and many failed attempts. We have all seen both encouraging and discouraging moments. The Open has a way of humbling oneself and this year has proved to be no different. As a gym, I have been very pleased watching you all achieve greatness throughout the last three weeks. I want to congratulate all of you that have hit your goals in this OPEN!… But I really want to take the time to congratulate and lift up the ones that have failed… Yes, that’s right-Failed. All too often we seem to lift up the “winners” and forget about those that have failed to meet their goals, or the ones who were so close to their first muscle up but just didn’t get it. These “failures” are the most important parts of our lives. Its these very moments we can either decide to give up, or we can get back up and keep moving forward. Every great athlete or successful person you have ever encountered has gone through some kind of failure. No one is exempt from failure in life. So why is it we put so much pressure on ourselves to perform? Many times I catch myself being unhappy with my performance after I finish an OPEN workout. I never seem to be truly satisfied with what I have accomplished. Why does it seem like so many of us carry a weight around on our shoulders just because we are afraid of failure? Truth is, many of us, including myself, seem to lose our identity so easily. I seem to lose focus that the Lord is my one and only identity in this world, not my score on the leader board. Philippians 1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Everybody reading this, please remember, we are here on this earth for one purpose; to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ. As this years OPEN comes to an end be sure to take the time to remember that our identity stands in Him and Him alone. Remember that when we fail, it doesn’t define who we are; we have been defined through the cross. Keep pushing hard RSCF! I am very proud of how far we have all come and I know we are going to see far greater things as we grow! 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.